Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week 3 Image #5 flickr

I relate to this photo in that it represents for me a journey of learning and life experiences. The learning journey can be full of surprises and challenges . The picture indicates to me that you have to put some energy into learning new things and expect to be challenged. I did try to download the picture but encountered a few problems with this and to manage my time efficiently decided to add the url to this site. I have had some difficulties using the podcasts and links. It is quite difficult fitting it all into my busy day but I'm enjoying the challenge. When I have some free time I will attempt to set up a flickr account but for now I'm happy to post the link.
The following links are things that help me get through my working day. Each item is very helpful in meeting my needs and making me professional and providing a healthy work space.
The following image makes me happy and gives me energy

This following image clears my head and makes me productive and helps me think clearer. I think of new ideas and sort through problems

The following image represents what I do in my job
I spend a lot of time communicating, facilitating problem solving and asking questions.

This next picture represents something that assists me to feel energised and gives me time out but is something I should probably reduce in diet

Visual images can help in explaining how we feel or an issue or problem. Completing this exercise has helped me to realise the importance of visual images to me even if I cannot share them with others. It has helped to look at how I may promote an issue or present a document. It has also provided me with useful resources when putting a report or document together and given me access to picture resources which I did not have before.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Welcome from Helen

Hello my name is Helen and I am writing in this blog as part of my learning web2.0 activities. Hopefully I will learn a lot and it will be a useful experience in my working day.