Wednesday, November 7, 2007

#23 Is this really the end

My favourite aspects of learning 2.0 were
  • Flickr
  • Image generator
  • You tube

I think I am now more confident with technology tools and understand the terminology and buzz words. I still have a lot to learn but feel confident to continue practicing and using these tools . The sites were easy to use and access and I was surprised that you could contain the browsing exercises to fit into the timeframe available.

I feel more confident and competent which was surprising.

It would be good to do some of the exercises as a group exercise or even as a one day workshop to increase knowledge share skills and resources. However it is very convenient & accessible to do online.

#22 Audio books

I found the sites very interesting and a great way to preserve older literature particularly the Grimm's childrens books a good way to preserve multiple or first additions specifically overtime when versions are changed or modernized. I was also impressed with the other books links with the complexity and range of sites particularly for users who wish to access books in languages other than English and research books very useful and accessible

#21 Podcasts, smodcasts

I was unable to access the podcasts themselves but explored the general sites. I think it would be an excellent tool for libraries to use as education, information literacy tools and to complement on line tutorial programs. I guess you could also use it as a communication tool in a project accross teams and sites

#20 You too can You tube
I enjoyed watching this video it was amusing and yet strangly informative about technical services such as library security. It could be used as an education tool if it had more information. It would keep students interest.
It certainly has an education element but I found that you had to sift through a lot of entertainment to get to educational or informative sites.
This site provided book reviews which could be useful for libraries

#19 Discovering web 2.0 tools

I searched under philanthropy and found care 2 it is an amazing tool on a range of social, environmental and human rights issues the search function is extremely specific searching sweatshop locates sites that are very specific unlike other search sites. The searches locate a range of formats such as videos articles blogs and reply links. The site has a member link to link people with similar interests. The site has amazing content and petitions linking users. There are social networks, commercial links and joint projects. Searching within an issue such as global warming links you to community linking to petitions and subjects are broken down to manageable and user friendly parts. Issue appear current.
There is a large amount of content but the tags and icons contain it very well. The user does not feel overwhelmed as it streams information into manageable parts. It is a one stop link for a number of issues.
An application in a library setting would be for research on human rights and issues and students would benefit from the articles and updated information available
An excellent site for content, navigation and a range of information formats.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

#17 Playing around with Pwiki

I found this exercise a bit confusing but muddled through it I was not sure if we needed to type a response in a wiki or just add a link Anyway I had a go and learned something new.

#16 So what's in a wiki?

The wiki sites varied in content, purpose and functions available. I was really impressed with the flexibility the technology has. Developing a library wiki would require a lot of communication and pre planning however with the degree of flexibility it can be adjusted as you go to adapt to your user group.
I would tend to use a wiki for readers advisory, reference and joint projects. I would also benefit from links to other resources and a reference list. I found the experience of browsing enjoyable. I think though at times there was a bit of information overload and the sites were very busy and difficult to navigate. I think to begin with it would be worthwhile keeping the site simple. There was some duplication on sites with advise to wiki contributors on functions etc.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

#15 On library 2.0 & web 2.0

To a library place in time by Dr Wendy Schultz

This article explores the future of libraries and library 2.0 It fits into the State Libraries vision of collaboration, innovation and engagement Dr Schultz defines libraries in a timeframe of technologicl develoment and promotes the idesa that libraries are active places to provide communities of information sharing. She sees libraries as inclusive and as expert tour guides in subject specialities including virtual libraries.

Learning 2.0 is a tool to provide a filter for relevancy of subject areas and provides instant links to current information. The trust and support the user requires can be provided by experts such as library staff to provide more authority to the content. Librarians will be key players in the future of information and knowledge searches as well as providing training for users in information literacy tasks.

#14 Technocrati

1. Search for learning 2.0
Blog posts located 6,890
Tags located 671
Blog directory 695
Topics 6,891
Popular 6,888

Items listed in currency order such as posted 1 day ago . The topics did not appear relevant to my expectation I narrowed my search for geographical area , subject specific for example readers advisory, Australia, library.
The site provided a chart such as mentions by day which gives the searcher a sence of information available on a daily basis.
The popular site was useful for general information on a topic. I would use the tool to be aware of current developments in a specific area. I was not sure if I would use it for a report reference.
The results appeared to list a range of sites from acaedemic and international and professional locations.
It would be really useful to have one place to list all relevant blogs for a specific subject . It would be time efficient.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 6 #13 Tagging
This site is therapeutical and a great stress buster I found it a bit too addictive
The tagging site was interesting but I had some difficulties locating a string of information to see how it worked I found I got a bit distracted with the content rather than the tags but I'll keep looking. The resources are useful for research as well as subject speciality but the danger is information overload so being very specific about the subject tags is essential. I did have some difficulties viewing some of the sites & would have liked the tutorial to provide me with going through setting up an account but having the option to do as an example before doing it in reality. It may have given me more confidence in attempting the exercise.

Monday, October 15, 2007

#10 Playaround with image

I found this site the most fun I also played at the following site

I enjoyed practicing with these links and learned many new skills

#11 All about library thing

I had some difficulties choosing 5 books only and what criteria to use to select the 5 I chose ones that have had the most impact on me and changed my attitude to things in general. I had some difficulties with the user name and my name must be very common. I learned a lot and will benefit from accessing this site for readers advisory services.

#12 Roll your own search engine with Rollyo

This was a useful exercise but required a bit of concentration. I was concerned about adding some sites to my list as I was not sure how legitimate the sites were and would not want to recommend something harmful or commercial. The search roll can be used for subject specialities and may create an online social network around a paricular issue , subject or topic I think the exercise was a worthwhile experience for me and would be useful in the areas of themes, topics and genres for reading and recommending books and authors.

Monday, October 1, 2007

RSS and Newsreaders 8# make life really simple

Some things I find really simple others I struggle with. The public account assists bloggers to share sites and ideas. What I liked about the RSS is that it provides direct links and provides excellent administration of listing favourite items and is reasonably user friendly.

The uses I could use it for is the reader advisory sites for work, author lists etc. I could also use it for study purposes. It opens up options to access information quickly and globally. It would help with my professional development and I could develop quick links to sites in answering library borrowers questions.
I would imagine it would be helpful with ready reference options.

Libraries could list the links on there sites for bookgroups, upcoming events , author biographies and information literacy skills and development. It would assist academic libraries to provide curriculum links and subject links.

This weeks exercise was really helpful to develop my knowledge and skills and help me manage my time better.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week 3 Image #5 flickr

I relate to this photo in that it represents for me a journey of learning and life experiences. The learning journey can be full of surprises and challenges . The picture indicates to me that you have to put some energy into learning new things and expect to be challenged. I did try to download the picture but encountered a few problems with this and to manage my time efficiently decided to add the url to this site. I have had some difficulties using the podcasts and links. It is quite difficult fitting it all into my busy day but I'm enjoying the challenge. When I have some free time I will attempt to set up a flickr account but for now I'm happy to post the link.
The following links are things that help me get through my working day. Each item is very helpful in meeting my needs and making me professional and providing a healthy work space.
The following image makes me happy and gives me energy

This following image clears my head and makes me productive and helps me think clearer. I think of new ideas and sort through problems

The following image represents what I do in my job
I spend a lot of time communicating, facilitating problem solving and asking questions.

This next picture represents something that assists me to feel energised and gives me time out but is something I should probably reduce in diet

Visual images can help in explaining how we feel or an issue or problem. Completing this exercise has helped me to realise the importance of visual images to me even if I cannot share them with others. It has helped to look at how I may promote an issue or present a document. It has also provided me with useful resources when putting a report or document together and given me access to picture resources which I did not have before.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Welcome from Helen

Hello my name is Helen and I am writing in this blog as part of my learning web2.0 activities. Hopefully I will learn a lot and it will be a useful experience in my working day.