Wednesday, November 7, 2007

#19 Discovering web 2.0 tools

I searched under philanthropy and found care 2 it is an amazing tool on a range of social, environmental and human rights issues the search function is extremely specific searching sweatshop locates sites that are very specific unlike other search sites. The searches locate a range of formats such as videos articles blogs and reply links. The site has a member link to link people with similar interests. The site has amazing content and petitions linking users. There are social networks, commercial links and joint projects. Searching within an issue such as global warming links you to community linking to petitions and subjects are broken down to manageable and user friendly parts. Issue appear current.
There is a large amount of content but the tags and icons contain it very well. The user does not feel overwhelmed as it streams information into manageable parts. It is a one stop link for a number of issues.
An application in a library setting would be for research on human rights and issues and students would benefit from the articles and updated information available
An excellent site for content, navigation and a range of information formats.

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